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Fancy a stroll in a group, alone, with family or sporty friends? Whether you are on foot or by mountain bike, find the hiking trails of Fronsadais. The routes are free to download.

Hiking circuits in Fronsadais

DownloadStart dateKmMarcheMoutain Bike
Saillans loopProjections6,1km1h5035min
Loop of the TertreFronsac8,9km2h5050min
Heritage TrailSt Germain de la Riviere7,2km2h2045min
On the heights of St AignanSt Germain de la Riviere10,1km3h101h
Vérac loopVerac12,1km3h451h10

Hiking around

Find all the hikes carried out by Gironde Tourisme, each point is indicated with the link to the brochure, the detailed map of the loop and the photo album.