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L'Abeille Girondine is an association whose aim is to promote beekeeping and everything related to beekeeping. We favor the breeding of bees and all the work around the hive and honey. Our head office is at the town hall of Lalande de Fronsac. Le Rucher Ecole is located at a place called Coulon, on the edge of the woods, in the town of Lalande de Fronsac. We are a structure of a hundred members. We meet about ten times a year at the apiary for its maintenance, to learn and pass on beekeeping techniques. We organize a general meeting every year (November 27 for this year 2021, at the Obispo room in Lalande de Fronsac). This is an opportunity to take stock of the year, to renew the office, the memberships and to meet around a very convivial meal.